Avokka -

Avokka is a document automation and deal negotiation platform. It is a secure, cloud hosted software which allows users to upload and code template documents. Coding a template requires a user to consider, and map out, all material conditional and variable elements within the template. Once coded, these templates are generated in the platform by way of a plain language questionnaire, and typically guidance notes are provided to shed light upon unique circumstances or terms of art. This allows for non-legally trained clients or even junior lawyers to produce complex legal documents with minimal instruction, efficiently. The time saved through the document automation element can be significant and can have a positive impact on a matter, where a firm is operating on a fixed or flat fee basis or costs are simply an issue.

Once a document has been generated, the user then has the option to collaborate with;

  • Other team members;
  • The client; and/or,
  • Counsel for the other side on a matter.

As most automated deal documents are designed to be an excellent starting point, rather than the executable version, negotiation on some and perhaps key aspects still needs to occur. The platform provides a secure area in which the generated document can be commented on and amended by both internal law firm members and external parties. Through the robust permissions functionality, the law firm remains in complete control of who can see and do what to, the deal document throughout the negotiation cycle. Avokka claim that in utilizing the platform in this way, long email threads and complex redline markups can be dispensed with, resulting in a settled agreement more efficiently and a better experience for all parties.

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