Bryter: Low/No Code Application Platform

A look at Bryter and Noerr's success with the application

Considering introducing low/no application software to your practice? If so, take a look at Bryter which recently featured in our Legal Tech Insight Series on Innovative Solutions. Below is a short video on the platform:

Bryter has a number of powerful use cases for law firms, both internal and client facing. With Bryter firms can build advisor applications to model and visualise complex decisioning involved with legal and regulatory advice, create suites of transaction templates through Bryter's document automation Microsoft Word plug-in, and integrate with other platforms making the execution of matter tasks more efficient. 

As demonstrated at the Insight Series session, member firm Noerr have implemented Bryter and have seen excellent results with client facing applications. They also reported that, once real use cases were identified, adoption from their lawyers was and is not an issue.

If you wish to learn more about Noerr's experience you can contact Dr. Oliver Hofmann, or to learn more from Bryter you can contact Sam Spivack.