Contract Express (Document Automation)

Claims to eliminate need for dedicated resources to build templates; lawyers automate templates inside Microsoft Word by marking-up their document


Member firms

In use by Arendt (Luxemburg) for their Automated Documents offering. So also panel discussion at Legal Tech Pricing Insight series - click here.


"While other document assembly systems require templates to be created in a complex proprietary or XML based computer language, Contract Express Author provides for intuitive, natural language mark up in Microsoft Word. All set-up is done from within Microsoft Word by lawyers, enabling templates of any complexity to be set up more quickly than with any other document assembly software."

Used by member firms

  • Arendt & Medernach (Luxembourg)
  • Chiomenti (Italy)
  • Gide (France)
  • Pestalozzi (Switzerland)
  • Roschier (Finland)
  • Shardul Amarchand Magaldas (India) 

Global abilities

  • Offices in London, New York, Melbourne and Sydney