Diligen - contract analysis (special offer)

Instant insight into your contracts: identify key provisions, generate contract summaries and help your team manage review with machine learning powered analysis


Special offer available for member firms: two-month free trial (paid for by Lex Mundi) including training and consulting support. Contact gvala-webb@lexmundi.com for more info.

Diligen - The latest advances in contract analysis technology: preparing your firm for the future | LexMundi


Why choose Diligen

    1. Uniquely scalable - whether you have 50 contracts or 500,000
    2. Hundreds of pre-trained clause models to leverage on day one - in dozens of languages
    3. Rapidly and easily train Diligen to recognise new concepts
    4. Flexible and dynamic interface that can be customized to your needs
    5. Industry leading performance compared to other tools on the market