Flag 'reuse' documents in your DMS

Give lawyers the ability to flag documents for reuse in your DMS - helps them and helps others find useful documents

Create an ability for any lawyer to "flag" a document in your DMS which they consider to have personal reuse value. Provide search functionality so you can filter on those flags.

This means that each individual can more easily find 'their' useful documents again. (You will, of course, have to train lawyers to (1) flag; and (2) filter on that flag.

The larger advantage is that anyone else in the firm can now see which documents have been flagged for reuse (at least by one individual). This set of documents will be a much better source for reuse than general search results for the same term.

Taking it to the next step, a practice group could look at all the flagged (personal) "reuse" documents as the starting point for developing a set of group-level precedent documents.