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Legal Tech Steering Group

Made up of member firm leaders including members of the Lex Mundi Board of Directors


The purpose of the Steering Group is to provide feedback on priorities / programs of T&I program and ensure alignment to T&I Focus and Approach document. The group meets online roughly quarterly.


  • Chair: Michelle Liberman, Partner, S. Horowitz & Co., Israel (BoD)
  • Carlos Velazquez De Leon, Partner, Basham, Ringe y Correa, S.C., Mexico (BoD)
  • Chistoph Lang, Partner, Pestalozzi, Switzerland (BoD)
  • Andrew Stoutley, COO, Tilleke & Gibbens, Thailand
  • Queenie Orji​, COO, Udo Udomo & Belo-Osagie, Nigeria
  • Roberto Pont, Chief Strategy and Operating, McInnes Cooper, Eastern Canada
  • Robert Rice, Partner and Chair Technology Committee, Ray Quinney & Nebeker P.C, USA - Utah