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Legal tech training / courses

Want to know more about legal tech and how to lead your firm?

There are a variety of courses and other resources that can help you / your steering group to learn about what is legal tech - and how your firm can get better at selecting / adopting progressive technologies.

Legal Tech 101

Website: https://www.attorycourses.com/legal-tech-101-course

Cost: $800 USD approx

  • Nine real-life use cases, behind-the-scene stories of legal tech innovation in DLA Piper, Pizza Hut, Nokia, Wolters Kluwer, and more.
  • 20 guest lecturers from all over the world - legal tech pioneers and trailblazers, legal technologists, thought leaders
  • Each module consists of theoretical knowledge in a form of pre-recorded lectures, hands-on sessions with the introduction to software providers, and self-study materials.
  • Downloadable materials
    • We provide comprehensive study guides, articles, legal tech checklists which learners can save for ease of reference
  • Live sessions & discussion club
    • To supplement legal tech learning, we created legal tech discussion groups that foster community, information sharing, connections, and support
  • Actual use cases
    • We share practical use cases, ranging from interviews with legal minds applying tech in their firms to guides on applying tech in the legal industr
  • Other material: https://www.attorycourses.com/blog/How-to-implement-legal-tech-in-your-firm

Modern Practice of Law certification (from IFLP)

“complements traditional law school offerings. [with] the additional business and client-driven skills [lawyers] need to operate in today’s complex modern legal practice,”
​The material covers these five critical areas:
  • Legal Process and Project Leadership Fundamentals
  • Principles of Legal Business Design
  • Data Analytics for Legal Professionals
  • Business and Finance Operations
  • Understanding and Working with Legal Technologies

For a detailed outline of the curriculum click here. Each module is 10 hours of learning time (available on-demand, 24x7).

The certification is run by the US's LAW SCHOOL ADMISSION COUNCIL Cost = $400 USD for one year subscription.

Bucerius Law School - Legal Tech 101

Links here to presentations on legal tech and innovation (including AI, legal design) by leading legal tech / innovation thinkers. Click here

How to build a start-up

Website: https://www.udacity.com/course/how-to-build-a-startup--ep245

The main idea in this [free] course is learning how to rapidly develop and test ideas by gathering massive amounts of customer and marketplace feedback.

Video: https://youtu.be/VZvgj6B2JZs

Coding the law

Website: https://www.codingthelaw.org/Fall_2021/level/1/

“In this project-based course, open to non-programmers and coders alike, we explore the technical, legal, and ethical dimensions behind the use of computer algorithms by legal practitioners and the justice system. Projects range from the creation of simple document review and automation tools to the construction of expert systems and narrow AIs.”

By https://twitter.com/colarusso Director @SuffolkLITLab