Matter Delivery Overview

The Matter Delivery series provide practical tips for three key phases of matter execution: scoping, management, and feedback.

The techniques and tools can be used for single or multijurisdiction matters, but are particularly valuable for complex situations involving cross-border teams. In the event you are in the preliminary stages of pitching for a new matter, there is also a Best-Practice guide for help to improve your chances for success. 

Senior members of Lex Mundi's global business development team are very experienced working with clients and member firms and are also available to support you on live client opportunities and to provide training for members of your firm.  For questions or assistance email Eric Staal at

Matter Scoping

  Matter Management  

Matter Feedback

Set up the matter for success by working with the client to scope the business objectives, legal approaches, and aspects of service delivery. 

Smart matter scoping is the prerequisite for successful matter management.


Task boards and Lean / Agile methodology are a flexible way to keep you, the team, and clients all on the same page, so that you can stay focused on the real legal advice and achieve better results.


Avoid “surprises” for the client and ensure realignment of “how” and “what of matter work to match client’s needs; special focus on after-matter reviews.