Matter Management Boards

Impress your clients and be more efficient (and save yourself headaches) by managing your work visually

Put each bit of work on a card; and put those cards on a board divided by columns (e.g. To Do, Work in Progress, Completed). Assign the work to individuals; who then move the cards through to completion. Any can look at the board and see, instantly, what work is underway and what is coming up next.

It is a very simple, and very effective way, to manage the work of a team (or set of teams). And you can tell your clients you are using "lean / Agile" methodology to manage your work efficiently (the technical term is "kanban boards").

To learn more: Lex Mundi has a "knowledge pack" including short videos and templates

Thomson Reuters overview - click here

For a legal-specific software see Legal Boards, For more on them and a special offer for member firms (click here).

Kanban, Work, Work Process, To Organize