Top ten legal tech things firms should be doing

A list of smart things every firm should be doing - or at least considering

  • Contact your Lex Mundi Technology and Innovation Team! Collectively we have decades of experience in researching, selecting and implementing legal technology, and we can help you navigate this ever changing field.
  • Move to the Cloud at every opportunity (e.g. significant software upgrade; infrastructure renewal) 
  • Maximize use of Microsoft 365 as part of your core stack 
  • Obtain strategic / professional leadership (fractional leadership (IT Director / CTO)) Or external consultant guidance for: 
    • New legal tech - identifying and proving use cases to ensure high user adoption
    • Cybersecurity
  • Empower mid-career partners to lead the new legal tech thinking
  • Have clarity on (1) what is the business strategy (pain point!); and (2) how that drives pace / direction of legal tech change / investments 
  • Develop a digital service(s) strategy
  • Separate out firm’s budget / project resourcing for three different types of IT: 
    • “Running IT” (70%) 
    • “New legal tech” (20%) 
    • Cybersecurity / information security (10%) 
  • Acquire / integrate (where / as appropriate) these key applications: 
    • Internally-facing: 
      • Document management system (with a good search function)
      • Contact management / client relationship management 
      • Financial system 
      • Time-capture software (which is mobile-friendly and integrates well with your DMS)
    • Client-facing: 
      • Workflow / process automation 
      • Document automation 
      • Digital collaboration – communication and co-ordination 
      • Client portals
  • Acquire / develop methodology for:
    • new legal-tech selection
    • deployment / adoption
    • outcome reporting 
  • Have an annual cybersecurity improvement plan