What is the Legal Tech KnowledgeBase?

Helping you find strong alternatives to the "usual" legal tech software


The purpose of this Legal Tech KnowledgeBase is to uncover and bring to member firms strong alternative software options (largely SaaS / cloud-based).

You won't find much here about the well-known solutions (e.g. iManage for your DMS; Contract Express for your document automation,) but you will find exciting software options that are well-priced. We generally try to prioritize the review of solutions which member firms are using, but you will also find information on new and emerging solutions that we think you should know about.

How does it work

The Lex Mundi Tech and Innovation team (click here) finds these software options largely from the experience of our member firms. With 145+ smart law firms around the world, we have a wealth of information to draw from. We find out about them from firms calling us with tips, through our regular member firm survey, and from our consulting calls with member firms.

Typically, we then do further research such as speaking with the vendor directly, having a demo, reviewing what industry commentators have said, and/or talking to other users.

User beware!

The content here is provided "as is". No representations are made that the content is appropriate to a specific situation or project, and interpretation may be required to its application.

The content is available to Lex Mundi member firms' teams for general informational purposes only and may not contain the most current information and may not provide all possible interpretations applicable to a specific situation or project.

Lex Mundi member firms shall not share any content from this Legal Tech knowledgebase with third parties.

All liability with respect to actions taken or not taken based solely on the contents is hereby expressly disclaimed.