Sysero: Low/No Code Platform

Sysero is a robust platform with an intricate workflow builder, document automation, and KM functionality, allowing firms to automate many client facing and internal administrative processes.



  • Visual workflow builder allowing firms to automate complex legal processes through the building of apps
    • This visual can exported as an image to ensure that the workflow is correct and that there are no errors or omissions
  • Workflows are designed using a drag and drop flowchart editor which supports actions which include: stages; decisions; email notifications; pop-up and full screen alerts; e-signatures; and, automated and non-automated documents
    • Using decisions and actions, processes can include capturing information with forms and questionnaires, using that information to create documents and send emails, display alerts and send notifications and schedule timed reminders. 
    • Forms can be designed and edited within a web browser and are created automatically when automating a document.
  • These apps can streamline internal processes such as invoicing, or can be turned client facing allowing end users to receive legal services on-demand
  • Document automation works as a MS Word plug-in, allowing firms to upload coded templates 
  • Firms can also avail of the KM functionality and draw in precedent documents and clauses to be used as part of apps
  • Below is a short video on how Contract Lifecycle management can be handled through Sysero:
  • Sysero will natively integrate with iManage, Netdocuments, HighQ Collaborate, O365, and Opentext, which will allow most firms to move data seamlessly between the platform and their DMS/digital workspace
  • Sysero has a proprietary e-Signature solution built into the platform, and also integrates with DocuSign
  • Sysero is offered as a cloud, on premise, or hybrid solution. They also offer Sysero Cloud to firms which is a managed service solution housed on AWS servers located in the US and Ireland
    • The hybrid offering means that some data will be stored on the firm's servers, and the remaining data being stored in the cloud

Sysero is a powerful but complex tool, which will require power users with in-depth knowledge of the solution, and to get the most out of it, a firm may need some software developer time to tie Sysero to other firm systems


  • The pricing is an annual subscription, which is flexible and based on the number of "active users" a firm has over the course of a 3 month period
    • Indicative pricing provided by the vendor is £20,000 for 200 users
    • On this price plan end users (client users) are free
  • Document automation requires a separate licence at a cost of £2,450 for each document automation specialist
  • Pricing includes all necessary support from the vendor

 Global Abilities:

  • Sysero are based in the UK, with four full time developers supporting the platform and building out the functionality
  • Currently, Sysero is very active in the Nordic market but with little penetration elsewhere

Member Firms Using Sysero:

  • Vinge (member firm, Sweden) uses the platform for internal processes. You can read about their use of the solution here and here, and below is an interview on their use of the solution

  •  Roschier, Attorneys Ltd. (member firm, Finland)
  • Advokatfirmaet Thommessen AS (member firm, Norway)
  • COBALT Law Firm (member firm, Estonia) - press release

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